La Plataforma acude a Europa

La Plataforma ha decidido poner en conocimiento del Parlamento Europeo y de la Comisión Europea la resolución de 13 de enero de 2021 de la Mesa del Congreso de los Diputados en cuya virtud prescinde del informe del Consejo General del Poder Judicial en la tramitación de la iniciativa legislativa orientada a limitar las funciones del máximo órgano del gobierno de la Justicia española para aquellos casos en que se produzca la prórroga de su mandato.

La Plataforma denuncia la “intención oculta de sofocar el libre debate jurídico” (the unavowed intention to stifle the free legal deliberation) en una materia que afecta tan intensamente a la separación del poderes y que es sólo un ejemplo de una ofensiva que se remonta muchos años atrás pero que últimamente se está recrudeciendo (this situation is only an example of a greater offensive on judicial independence going back many years but recently escalated).

He aquí el texto en su redacción original:

We want let you know about a recent attack by Spanish Parliament on the judiciary branch this thirteen day of January: the General Committee of the Lower House (Mesa del Congreso de los Diputados) has decided to prevent the General Council of the Judiciary (Consejo General del Poder Judicial) from issuing a mandatory report on a pending bill (proposición de ley) dealing with substantial reforms affecting the Justice area.

The bill, now under parliamentary consideration, encompasses a future curtailing of the functions the General Council of the Judiciary is entitled to. The Council is the maximum constitutional body of judicial self-government in Spain and it is directly concerned about this legislative proposal. There is no reason to deprive it from providing such an important opinion, unless the unavowed intention to stifle the free legal deliberation. Moreover, this restrictive decision ignores the case law by European Court of Human Rights as well as the 2917/1520 and 2018/103 recommendations of the European Commission.

This situation is only an example of a greater offensive on judicial independence going back many years but recently escalated, and that is why we need your help, since domestic institutions have been until now unable to halt it.


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