The The Civic Platform for Judicial Independence have just reported the United Nation a complaint on judicial appointments in Spain whose full text is the following:
Dear Ms:
The Civic Platform for Judicial Independence (Plataforma Cívica por la Independencia Judicial –PCIJ) is an organisation, composed of judges, prosecutors, lawyers, university professors and other Spanish citizens from all walks, concerned about the politisation of Justice in Spain. During 2014 we have sent the previous Special Rapporteur of the United Nations on the independence of judges and lawyers two complaints: the first one, about the threats against the separation of constitutional powers in the Kingdom of Spain; the second, about the situation of judges in practical training. Now, we submit you a third one related to the appointment of judicial offices.
Our present request deals with the proceedings for the appointment of higher ranks among Spanish judges, as far as their actual requirements do not meet the minimun standards against discrimination on political grounds. Leer más Acerca deThird Complaint to United Nations …